we have some ideas and more about how to achieve an innovative design
we have some ideas and more about how to achieve an innovative design
we have some ideas and more about how to achieve an innovative design

”…le design n’est pas un objet, c’est un éternel sujet”
[Julia Fauser, ” tout a un sens interdit”, Lausanne1959]

Design of the franchising second hand shop of material for photographers PHOTOGALERIE.
Laureat at the Belgian Design Centre for “The best of Belgian franchising corporate design”, December 1984. Directrice Josine de Cressionnières.
Meeting with Madame des Cressionnères and Mr Juhani Salovaara CEO of Ergonomia Design OY, Finland, agreement for a 3 month internship in summer 1985.
Production of the PHOTOGALERIE flagshipStore in Liège
Internship in Ergonomia Design OY, Finland.
Back in Belgium to coordinate the second PHOTOGALERIE store, the start of the retaling net.
Contracting with Ergonomia Design OY as Industrial designer. Product Designer for NOKIA computers, MOBIRA, VALMET, WÄRTSILÄ SHIPYARDS, NESTE, MARIMEKKO, UPPO, ROSENLEW, ELECTRULOUX, SUUNTO Marine compass, SUUNTO Diving Instruments, TRESTON, TUNTURI Fitness, TUNTURI Bicycle, FISKARS, IITALA, HACKMANN, ARABIA, …
BRAUN Design Preis selection with the presentation of a Semi Industrial Welding machine
Back from 2 years in Finland.
Creation of NAOS Industrial Design sprl, Belgium
Design of the SATURNE 3S for Schréder Lighting, Ans, Belgium.
Premium tennis racket collection for DONNAY. Tennis racket for Boris BECKER.
Special design collections for DONNAY
1st and 2nd prize at ARTSTREET MAAZEIK
Design of the tennis racket of AGASSI for DONNAY. Something new has arrive on the planet of sport equipment. The design concept applied to this product has transformed the graphics industry for ever. The image is so new and so clever that all those who equip the champion are following. NIKE first for shirts, shoes and shorts, then Head who acquire AGASSI after DONNAY.
Laureat of the C7K competition held by VAL SAINT LAMBERT Royal Glass Cutting company with GALLIX I, GALLIX II and GALLIX III, plate, bowl and Vase, Liège, Belgium
Laureat of the "OFFICE 2000, Desk for the future ” at COSMIT International Design competition, Milano, Italy.
Selected at the NESTE Design Competition with COSMIT redesigned OFFICE desk, Helsinki, Finland.
Laureat of the Internal RENAULT competition for “the Work place of the future”. The beginning of over 20 years of collaboration of retailing architecture and interior design. Corporate design for CIMTECH, LA ROYALE BELGE, HEC St LOUIS, CIRKENSES, EEC, IPPA, AWEX,
Corporate identity of IBA the Belgian Ion Beam Application company.
AWEX SDE design Program for Export, visual identity and communication design.
NAOS design is founder partner of EFA, CAD Education and application Program with the ISIL Engineering University Liège, R-TECH, The Plastic Research Department, the FN Research department, Technifutur, and industrial partners Euclid-MATRA systems, Pro-Engineer, …
Transformation of NAOS Industrial design sprl into NAOS design S.A. with François Detandt, financial partner enlarging the capital with 3 equal sharing partners
Industrial design and corporate signalization and labeling for EIB electrical industry
Design for Railway station advertising panels SNCF
Corporate communication for the EEC at the universal exhibition EXPO'92, Sevilla
European Architecture chart for RENAULT Retail Group. Design of the workshops, stores and show rooms and designing the furniture program of the RENAULT Group Europe.
Design of the Credit Card Telephone Kiosks for the 3C communication and the NEW YORK AIRPORT AUTHORITIES
Design Concept of a complete collection of Motorbike helmets for LAZER Helmets, Belgium, new design of Urban lightings for Schréder Lightings, Packaging design for Cremerie (dairy) department of DELHAIZE, Sauces and condiment packaging for DIDDEN,
Packaging and Organic concept for NOKIA mobile phones. Corporate identities, and publications for institutions such as “the Days of Architecture“, The Institute of the Company Auditors, The Contemporary Art Museum of Epinal, the concept and design of a board game for CIRKENSES with Carta Mundi.
Thierry VanKerm, in charge of strategy and development of NAOS design, enlarge the company business by creating NAOS Logistics and NAOS editions, 2 sister companies dedicated to the promotion of the design trough the publication of worldwide design informative publication. In French, in Dutch and in English. A leaflet of few pages that soon become a magazine.
Thierry VanKerm also is co-writing an educational book for the young designers generations “Entreprendre le Design” in collaboration with Françoise Dumont journalist and the KING BAUDOUIN Foundation.
Design concept and prototypes production of the RENAULT 2000 Architectural program, building guide lines and furniture design. Design and production of the RENAULT Guide lines with material samples guidebook.
Few incompatibilities between NAOS design and NAOS Editions lead to the end of the 10 years partnership. Thierry VanKerm becomes the owner of the NAOS Editions + Logistics under the new name of NALO.
Damien Bihr buys back all the shares, becomes the Owner and CEO of NAOS design S.A. and moves the agency to a new location in Brussels.
A new era begins with 3D design, internet modems, the Euros …

NAOS design shows up the transformation with the trademark “NAOS design Team ” to point out the energy and the power of being a team. And the result is there: NAOS design is contracting a partnership with INTERGRAPH computers for education and communication to serious CAD design tools. Design and organisational concept of the new commercial buildings of RENAULT Retail Group
Creation of HeliumConcept, the Official Trade Mark of Naos design company, Home and Contract design department, developing concepts for international companies.
First Trade Mission to United Arab Emirates. Packaging design for RASASI perfumes in Dubaï. Followed by Trade Missions with our Highness Prince Philippe in Australia, Malaysia, USA, China, Vietnam that are going to lead to several agreements.
Corporate and visual identity, communication and publications for EUREKA, European Industrial Collaborations institution. Complete Agency Dynamic Concept. Total Design, furniture and interior architecture, program for the American international advertising agency GREY Europe and GREY Media : 3 Directors, 100 creatives in 1.500 sqm, 2 floor, 4 sections. Design of the corporate identity and communication for SMart asbl, the Social mutuality for Artists under the direction of Nathalie De Bock.
Scenography of the exhibitions of “The best of Belgian and international advertising” for CCB AWARDS at the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels.
Design concept of the marketing and architectural design of « The EGG »for the CCB, the Créative Club of Belgium. Initiator, creator and curator of the Design group exhibition BEZIGN at Galleria Grosseti Arte Contemporanea during the Salone del Mobile, Visual identity, organisation, communication, installation, Press Relations, first collaboration with Giovanna Massoni and Pierre Marcolini. Funiture Design products selected for LABEL DESIGN, The Bianal Belgian design exhibition by Lise Coirier, at the Grand Hornu, Belgium. The exposed product was "Ola Hop", a urban bike-park.
Naos Design becomes exclusive designer for four important customers in highly confidential domains such as cardiopharmaceutics, Household appliances, Biomedics and Aeronautics. Design of 3 websites for EUROCITIES and subsidiaries. Design of NIALCO's website. Design of the offices of the very famous “Concours Reine Elizabeth” with the collaboration of Zoom Architectures for the architecture and furniture, and the guest collaboration of the designer BramBoo for the reception desk.
Design Concept in cosmetic Intercontinental behaving for PRANARÔM. Design and production of the website of BRAM BOGART, the World famous Belgian painter aged 91.
(www.bram-bogart.eu). Organisation and xhibition of BEZIGN in Amsterdam DesignWeek.
Ground Aircraft Air conditioning Unit for LEBRUN NIMY, a new generation of air conditioner for civil and military aeronautics.
Curator and designer of the exhibition of the Belgian designers for their official participation at the Milan Furniture Fair including the 3 Belgian language communities with the official export institutions WBDM, AWEX Brussels Export and Investment and Design Vlaanderen in the Off and Satellite areas. Designer of the visual Corporate identity [lesbelges] in collaboration with Giovanna Massoni responsible of the Press and Public Relations. Design and production of the web site [les belges]: www.lesbelges.org.
Initiator, creator and curator of the Design group exhibition KLUEDO at Villa EMPAIN, Visual identity, organisation, communication, installation, Press Relations, under the wings of our friends Diane Henneberg and Marie Pok.
Naos Design is preparing its 20th Anniversary in its new location next to the WIELS, the new contemporary Brussels Arts Centre in Forest.
Naos design is responsible of [les belges] participation in il Salone del Mobile in the salon 2007 and at Fortis Bank location .
Naos Design is chosen by “La Maison du Tourisme du Tournaisis” to create the global strategy for the whole County, gastronmic and touristic identities of “The Country of the Hills” for the products of the “Terroir”. Funny design story.
Naos design is responsible of [les belges] participation in Milan Furniture Fair 2008.
Naos is in charge of the designing of 5 domestic products for 5 companies located in Hainaut, Belgium. Design of a new hygienic toilet paper dispenser WALLRHOLL for CEDRAMED, a kitchen cutting board CARNAGE for FACIPRODUCT, new profiles concepts for securized doors frames TAM.R for DALLA VALLE, MEETLIGHT a “jewel” for character recognition for FITAIR. Awarded in 3 categories at LME Design Action Awards.
Naos Design is chosen by “The House of Enterprise” to promote their Action Design 2008. Catalogue of the action results in collaboration with Nathalie De Bock for the editorial work.
Coris BioConcept launch the design study of two new medical tester and their packaging of its new products and a new patented concept called Gravity V.test .
REVALIT developp the second phase of the design of its ergometer NESS dedicated to cardio revalidation with a pre-production in Belgium.
The first of April 2009, Naos Design moves to its new office, located 154 rue Berthelot in Forest (next to the Wiels) and for the occasion named the place, ESPACE PESCE. Especially for this occasion, Damien Bihr enlarge the range of the collection “Vols de Nuit” and brought two new lamps and an office desk. Design of urban furniture, lightings and streets bins. Design of office lightings MIDLIGHT desk furniture CRISIS for Contract market, ergonomic but most of all very economical.
Design of the visual identity and communication program for DBB law, international lawers office, for their annual seminary organized by the attorney Yves Brulard and design of the corporate identity of an international network IIC for DBB .
December 2009, Design of an illuminated open-space of 2560 sqm for the end-of-year lighting decoration of “Gallerie Anspach” in Brussels’ centre.
Design of the BIHSTRO. chair, model PCM001 in collaboration with CRM, Spinnov of Liège University ; Centre of Research in Metallurgy. First thermo-regulated chair, BIHSTRO. is a Contract product for bars' terraces. A new collection will follow this first chair. Design of chairs, armchairs, table, sofa for public and private outdoor. The chair BIHSTRO. as been elected at the famous Reddot designmuseum.
Design of the Corporate identity and brand image for SIMteligence, a company producing wireless Monitoring and Controlling Systems. Design of 3new products for SIMteligence in the pest monitoring domain.
Creation of the Dailyminded design company :
BIHRD. “the anonymous trademark”.
A new product is launched on the market for NAOS Design. Industrial Design Consultancy, a design mission aiming to an exclusive collaboration with all the responsible of the different sectors concerning industrial product and innovation. The mission consists in designing entirely a product subscribed in an industrial and integrated marketing politics. A first mission is realized with success for a french aeronautics industry. A new design from A to Z in 5 days consultancy. Thirty years committed to efficiency. GUINAULT.
Design and scenography of the European design contest exhibition for EESC, a European institution in Brussels.
Together with NAOS design, Damien Bihr creates NAOS .iD+ on the 06.02.12.
NAOS design remains the commercial name.
NAOS .iD+ is in charge of the new Corporate Identity and complete communication program of the International Social and Design biennale in Liège renamed RECIPROCITY design liège for the Regional institution Wallonie Design. Design of the Signature, Urban visuals, internet web site, publications and main catalogue of the exhibition.
Design for the new Aeronautic products of GUINAULT SA90
Design study of the DACIA retail identity for RENAULT Retail Group. Design of the futur Driving Informative Alarm Panel for iCOMS company in Nivelles.
NAOS .iD+ Defines herself through two main product design axes:
Industrial design along with new collaborations in various fields for Belgian and Internaional industries.
Research and development to innovate public goods
with a new industrial production project in sanitaries equipments dedicated to broad brands in Contract branch. A collaboration with DYSON Ltd. The Belgian Company LEBRUN merges her competences in air conditioning with the French company GUINAULT and her electrical Ground Power equipment to become GL, GUINAULT-LEBRUN. Naos .iD+ will successfully creates the design of the new company. Visual and Corporate Identity, Communication, Publications and Industrial Product Design.
Design concept of laChocollate the warm chocolate integrated machine for Private and professional use. NAOS .iD+ as developed a new capsule patented system and a new chocolate product with PUR100.
Interior Design study of the RENAULT Retail Group Headquarter in Brussels.
CORIS BIOCONCEPT launched his first Diagnostic automat TRAPIST V6® with the label iNNOVATIVE DESIGN CONCEPT by NAOS .iD+
Funny work in collaboration with ACT Lightings company to design the future illumination tools for the “Boulevard” in Moscow. A brand new system is designed to be both present and absent in the environnement.
INVINEO® the wine by glass concept from BIBMATIC with the label iNNOVATIVE DESIGN CONCEPT by NAOS .iD+ launched in December.
Interior and Design study of the RENAULT RBL Corporate Restaurant at the Headquarter in Brussels. Design collaboration for WSL and the Well in Liège Sart Tilman University for new Urinal device URIDEV in collaboration with Ch. NICLAES from DEVELTECH and ULiège, under the direction of Dr. François JOURET.
NAOS .iD+ becomes Industrial Design Strategic Advisor for the Walloon Region. A large study upon industrialists (un)motivation to take advantage of the power of Design. International study from macro to micro economy facts and figures for a local advisory in collaboration with CHARIVARI.
A design approach for the design of an effective tool to activate industrial collaborations with development tools.
"We can't afford ignoring the power of design”
The official report published to the AEI administration (Agence pour l'Entreprise et l'Innovation).
A new concept is getting out of the pipe from CORIS BIOCONCEPT with the design of a new type of rapid test diagnostic for maternities. NAOS .iD+ involved in the design concept of the new diagnostic machine has designed a new medical device to be patented.
SIMTELIGENCE is developping a new controler device for professional cool chaine application, the COOLTROLLER® designed by NAOS .iD+.
The recycling market and “CircularEconomy” institution is asking NAOS .iD+ to develop a design concept for the wood industry company MOBIC, encapsulating numerous surrounding wood processing factories from trees plant to house construction. How to value or add value to waste material which still is natural material. A circular design is developed using the different waste material and competences from the different companies of the group. Few products are designed. GUINAULT regains her independence in the continuity of GL without LEBRUN and a new corporate design line is established.
INVINEO is implementing its B2B market and entering to industrialization process with V.03
NAOS .iD+ is designing CHIPSCHIC, the first 3Minutes Chips automat at home with UTTILITII company. A new Home appliance innovative design concept to deliver all sort of chips, from tubers to fruits and vegetables.
New things happened in Aerospatial and Airoport segment in Europe. and the French ALVEST Group, world N°1 in GSE, is making a large marketing reorganisation with Naos design. Meaning a 4 main companies design work in France Belgium and UK to gather Visual Identities and communication : ALVEST, SAS and 3 sisters companies, LEBRUN, POWERVAMP, TAXIBOT, TRACTEASY and the design of new products. Naos design with the whole team is participating at the NYC POPS competion, regretless. VASCO group is searching for future business and NAOS INNOVATIVE DESIGN CONCEPT develop the PiuLATTE©.
ECOSTERYL is processing a new larger Machine for the treatment of Hospital contaminated waste and is asking for a Product Visual Identity. NAOS design operate with its own method to analyse the situation and opportunities and comes with a brand design concept on products that could become a range design thinking. And by the way doubled the capacity of the product, reducing the human resources to operate !
COVID. NAOS design shall never cross her arms. operate on supporting her clients to continue developping for the AFTER COVID. Also is actively innovating on new ideas and product to keep brains in future.